Right: so plans definitely change. That’s what today’s lesson is.

So: time to vamp. Time to share something that is nowhere near as exciting as the stories you will hear tomorrow. But I am getting ahead of myself. Tomorrow is the future, and living in the future is a sign of weakness. And I am not weak; I am awesome.
Would you like to know who defined my day? Kanye West. That’s who. I have never really been a big fan of his, especially after the VMA fiasco—though I cannot stand Taylor Swift in the least. I literally cannot stop listening to his new album, fresh off of its recent 5 star review in Rolling Stone. Crazy, I know! 5 stars is basically unheard of. So, yeah, I’ve been listening to the songs “POWER” and “Monster” all day and cramming my life with rap lyrics performed by Nicki Minaj. Ugh. Painfully delicious.
Also: HOW BAD-ASS IS LAURA IN THIS PHOTO. SHE IS SO FLIPPING HAWT! She’s another member of our program that I have not had enough time to get to know…that seems to be happening a lot lately. Laura is a twin. She’s from Nashville and she goes to IU along with everyone else in this little city. I am jealous that so many of them will be spending time together after this semester is over…in ten days…Blerg.
Not important now though! What’s really important is this: Laura should model. Now.
If the whole psychology thing doesn’t work out, I want to look into photography.
(How badly does that idea freak you out, family member reading this blog?)
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