You know, I sometimes have those moments where I get really scared that I am perpetually boring. Is that common? Does anyone else ever fear that they are doomed to be semi-fun, semi-engaging, semi-entertaining and never push past that barrier of halfway there? Blerg. My last blog, I mentioned that I’ve been in a funk. I think that it’s still rearing its ugly little head around here somewhere. I wish I could squash it like a wormy apple and just thoroughly enjoy the rest of my time here. Maybe I’ll find it soon—that would be nice. On a positive note, I used both “it’s” and “its” correctly in the same sentence just a few lines ago. It’s always nice to know you can still function with words when there are no humans to hang out with.
That was a tad bleak…

I think that we could all use some quotes, no? Here are some gems from the good people of the 8th and 1st floors of our residence hall:
- Izzy (after describing her teacher from high school that she had/has an enormous crush on and how much she wanted to be…involved…with him): “Alas, he’s married and has Siamese cats.”
- Jenny: “You guys will appreciate my jewness here…”
- Jenny (after realizing that Drew’s Girlfriend Kate knew one of Jenny’s college friends named Stuke): “OMG! Fucking Stukes! He’s my fucking boy!”
- Josh (in a commentary about life): “Glass is nothing but sand. Sand is nothing but earth. Earth is nothing but life. Life is nothing but jam-jar.”
- Jenny: “I’m fucking 20 years old. I’m young, I’m ripe, I’m ready!”
- Izzy: “Josh. This is why it takes you so long to get ready. You put on one article of clothing and then take a three minute dance break to Ke$ha and P!nk.”
- Jenny: “He looks like a duck-billed pussy.”
If I didn’t know any better, I would say that Jenny Katz is quite the character. Also, Izzy pretty much nailed me on the head with my dance breaks…
Note in iPhone: “Joyous train announcer at Mornington Crescent while hopping on the northern line home.”
So we were riding back from the Camden Town Markets last weekend and happened to stop just in time to hear a very odd noise coming over the loud speakers in the station. It was the typical message about minding the gab and watching the closing doors, but it was in a happy, almost elated voice. At first, I figured I was dreaming, Tube workers never sound happy! But this gentleman was basically acting like a minstrel. I think everyone on the train was smiling as we departed the station. I wish that sort of thing happened more often.
Today: I put something in my suitcase. It was not fun. But it was necessary. I think if I take baby steps in departure, it will be much easier to handle in the upcoming weeks.
Well, I suppose that’s really it for now. Here’s a classic Things answer from last night to close the night off: Category- Things that you wouldn’t want to pull out of your pocket in front of Grandma. Answer- Dan Brown’s chocolate covered fingers.
And now for a conversation just now with a few of us:
Drew: Josh, guess how many words I wrote on my paper.
Josh: How many words does it have to be?
Drew: 1500.
Ben: Um, 800?
Drew: (grins)
Josh: must be lower…39?
‘Stine: 12?
Drew: You guys all put too much faith in me. I didn’t write a single word.
LOVE you. and PEACE, LOVE, COFFEE is always the answer :) I can't wait to see you, but I want your time in London to be long enough to satisfy your experiential needs :) you are fabulous.
ReplyDeletelove, Janice.