Sunday, November 14, 2010

Chauncery Lane.housematez

“This is Chauncery Lane…This is Chauncery Lane…This is Chauncery Lane.”


We get it.  We’ve stopped at Chauncery Lane and we’ve been here for 10 minutes.  We get it.  We really, really do.  You’d think it would be calming, the lady’s voice over the intercom.  You’d think they would pick someone with a little more tone, a little more inflection, a little more pizzazz.  Nope!  Just robotic and irritating, especially when you hear the same thing over and over and over for a great length of time.

The tube had stopped because some asshole had assaulted another passenger and the emergency button was tripped to signal that a stop was needed and that the metropolitan police needed to be involved.  Ugh, what a process.  Although, I kept thinking throughout the whole thing that the scene could make a beautiful little one act.  I’m seeing fringe shows 6 times a week at the Arcola…duh.

And that’s how my day started on my way (with Katz) to the Brick Lane market for some Christmas Shopping!  The markets are great places to find, well, anything that tickles your fancy, including some divine, perfect gifts for your loved ones during the upcoming holidays.  Well, divine and perfect may be taking it a little far.  Still, some good finds today!

Most notable of the finds today were three objects that were literally right in succession.  I cannot tell you what they were because that would be giving away some presents!  All three of these mystery things were right next to each other and they all screamed, “Sibley, Kirsten, Laura.”  My heart smiled.  It was a situation that could not have been more perfect.  The fact that all of their Christmas gifts were within one view was just the icing on the cake that it was the right time to go shopping.  Anyway, this is a post for my future housemates for spring semester of our senior year, two of whom I have had the great, great pleasure of living with already.


The ketchup tastes different here and you would hate that.  It’s sweeter, not as consistent, and there’s definitely no perfect complement to it. In other words: there is no ranch dressing in London.  That might be the worst.  Francine stopped by last weekend when I was putting some discarded bobby pins in my hair and thought that I should say hi to you for her.  I watched a little girl sing a song quietly to herself and then whisper what I can only assume to be lyrics in her ear.  “Sometimes I run…”  I saw some movies that I think will be Oscar noms come late February!  ZOMG!  Also, you’ve been a twenty something for two weeks now which means it’s my half birthday.  How are you feeling about being so OLD?!  Also, no one here knows what Erbs and Gerbs is...that means no one has tried a Narmer with Dijon and a Barq’s.  I ran into Amanda Fink at my residence hall, too!  She was in our Writing Fiction Class.  I always sat next to her when I was down on the end and she did that one compost pile about pokemon comics?  Anyway, small world, right?  Do you have any classes with Baker?  *Grins nonchalantly* 

Love and missing you like we all love and miss Jon Benet,


Whenever I say your name as one of my housemates I always want to laugh and point and say, “new girl!”  I don’t know why.  It’s fucking weird.  I saw A LOT of tapestries down in BangloCity—Asian market in back alleys of north London, natch—and every single one of them should either be: a) in your tent, b) in your room, c) on your body, or d) all of the above at the same time.  I prefer option ‘d.’  Thanks.  ALSO, we have YOGA together this spring!  So many smiley faces would be here right now if I could only learn how to use emoticons on blogger.  Imagine them, will you?  I was riding a bus passed chipotle recently—not the same here, I don’t think—but I couldn’t help but remember the last time I was at chipotle which was definitely with you in St Cloud on our way home from Cori’s…Jesus.  What a great morning after!  Oddly, I think of you the most whenever I see gay couples here because I always think about your brother being in Europe and being so happy (he is still in Europe, right?).  I tried to catch you on skype today, my hippy lover, but you must have actually been ‘away’ as your status said.  Started drinking only out of recycled jam jars…always think of you on your farm!     

Love you like DDM loves Harry Potter,


Hey, Mama!  So I’ve been trying to watch the A List online for the last three months and it definitely will not let anyone from the UK view it.  I think it must be that good/racy…either that or it’s copyright.  Probably the latter, but I like to think that it’s just too damn good for the UK… Is it?!  I may or may not have found the new stare bear.  Pictures will definitely be coming.  Speaking of GAC fixtures, I was going over my phone messages that were still left over from when I visited right before I left and I have a hilarious text from you about someone that found you with a whole group of friends exactly like him or her.  Is that too cryptic?  Tell me you understand it.  OMG.  Tomorrow I will remember to take a picture, but there is a dog that sits outside of this wedding dress shop on Sydney Street and it’s just a Sarah clone.  Though, when I sing to her, she doesn’t dance or wag her tail or attempt to cuddle the shit out of me.  Now that Hocus Pocus season is over, are you having any My Girl moments to tide you over until the sappy holiday movies grace ABC family?  I def had two…or three.  Was so happy to hear about your upgrade to JOB at the center and I am just so constantly impressed with you; I cannot wait for naps, too.

Love you more than weenahs and juice,

And now I miss every single friend I have at GAC.  BLERG!  I cannot wait to see every one of you very, very soon.  As of today, Sunday, November 15th, I have less than five weeks left in London. 

Oofta.  Time flies.  (Speaking of time flying, little brother is going to be 19 this

Lots of Love to everyone in my life tonight!  Hope you can feel it even if your in my room right now, across the hall, across a continent, across an ocean, or even across several oceans.  Nothing but love, love, love for all of the people in my life.

Peace, Love, and Coffee. 

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