I've heard that writing is cathartic. I've heard that many times. I am of the opinion, however, that writing cannot be terribly cathartic without an honest thought or verse; allow me to be completely truthful.
I don't think that this whole blogging thing will actually be for me.
But maybe?
Do not misunderstand. I LOVE to write. I do not love to share my writing unless I think it's worth sharing. And a lot of my own writing, my own thoughts or feelings, my own beliefs, or my own snippets of prose or poetry are not really worth the minutes/seconds it takes to scan the letters on the screen/paper. But I promise I will try. Try a lot. Try to share with the world- and by world I mean the four people who will read this, two of whom will be my parents- how it feels to be me. Try to be honest and completely vulnerable with my reflections and narrations. Try, Try, Try.
I don't like promises.
Right now, it feels like going to London is right around the corner. A week-long corner.
Isn't funny how you can be so ready for something to happen in your life, but when the time comes for the big moment, all you need is time. I think that life is pretty much one big procrastination.
Important Information: I am going to London and I am going to use this blog as a creative outlet to capture the world around me. Well, the attempt to compile it all into one little webpage might be a bit much, but I will try. (There's that word again. Thesaurus, please!)
On the 28th, Fashion week opens up in Paris and I will so be going to France over that weekend. Can you imagine? What are you up to this weekend, Josh? Oh nothing, just going to scoot over to Paris for a few days to watch Anna Wintour wear sunglasses inside and be simultaneously terrified that she's devoured my soul because I've made eye contact with her; it's going to be a blast! Ugh...If only she would devour my soul. That alone would be worth a trip abroad.
Not that four months in London wouldn't be.
Holy. Shit. Four months in London. Have you ever written that down and looked at it on paper? It looks hella cool.
I have images I want to share but I can figure that out as I go. I am terribly new to the whole idea of blogging, but I wouldn't mind if the notion hung out in my comfort zone. Perhaps we can just chill together, like a budding friendship. Also, whenever I use the word "budding," I think of deli meats and wheat bread. Maybe it's just Lunch time?
Hearts, Stars, and Leaf veins!